Grace and Accountability: Helping Kids Understand Their Need for Jesus

As Peacemaker Parents, we strive to embody grace, forgiveness, and love—reflecting the very essence of Jesus. However, it raises an important question for some parents: How do we help our children understand their need for Jesus' redemption, especially when we are consistently extending grace for their mistakes? Let’s explore this through a peacemaker parenting lens, emphasizing accountability and the role of the Holy Spirit.

Made in God’s Image: Nurturing Your Baby's Development the Peacemaker Parenting Way

Do you have a new baby or are expecting one soon? God bless you! Parenting a baby from newborn to 12 months is a journey filled with discovery, growth, and the establishment of deep bonds. We believe the little one you’re nurturing was placed in your heart and arms intentionally, and that their soul is fully formed and worthy of respect and love from the very beginning. 

Why switching to summer routines can be hard for kids

Summer can be a transition period for kids! Because we are wired to look for patterns, predictability, and stability, when big changes occur, the brain can perceive the abrupt change as a threat or stressor. And that can result in dysregulation and out-of-the-ordinary behaviors. For some children, it may bring with it regression in milestones. That's normal, and now that you know this, you can be proactive in building regulating moments into your daily routine.

Peaceful Potty Learning 101

Potty learning is a significant milestone in a toddler’s life, marking a step towards independence, and for many parents, it’s loaded with varying emotions. Some parents are anxious to have their toddlers out of diapers, maybe out of fear of overwhelm with a new baby on the way, or due to pressure from a preschool or daycare. Other parents dread potty training, concerned about having to navigate accidents or maybe they’re frustrated at how difficult their toddler is to motivate. 

What if potty learning could be virtually stress-free for both the toddler and the parent? That certainly is the dream for most parents, but how do you make it a reality? 
How to potty train toddlers peacefully

Help! How to help my toddler buckle into a car seat?

Toddlers really know how to put on the brakes when they don't want to get in a car seat! How can you help them buckle in safely without resorting to threats, punishments, and force? Here are a few ideas.

Dear Amanda,
I need your advice on how to get my toddler to cooperate when I need to buckle him into the car seat. It’s always been a bit of a struggle, but lately my newly three-year-old is making it so hard to get going–he finds every reason to not buckle himself, not let me buckle him, says he needs all these crazy things before we can leave, and on and on. I seriously dread getting in the car these days! How can I make this less difficult for him (and me)?


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