Hey ya'll, I'm Harley! My husband and I have been married for 10 glorious years, and have 2 beautiful children!
We strive to parent as gentle as we can and teach our children to be loving and kind. Although, We're not perfect!
Before Young Living, we ate your typical American diet consisting of tons of fast food, sodas, little Debbie's, McDonald's Frappes, etc. We had no idea that we were so unhealthy, or maybe we did but didn't care. Fast forward to our first pregnancy, which sadly ended in a miscarriage with our first baby, who was very much wanted, and loved. I found community forums online for trying to conceive! Through these forums, I met so many lovely women and learned so many things about healthy eating, and supplements, and that scratched the surface of our journey!
We were pregnant 6 months later with our oldest and wanted only the best for her from the time she was conceived So, I researched and questioned everything. At 33 weeks I landed in the emergency room, with Pre-eclampsia, which ended up being a 2-month hospital stay before birthing our rainbow baby!
I didn't know it at the time but the trauma from my miscarriage and pre-eclampsia left me with anxiety during my pregnancy and that morphed into severe postpartum anxiety, that went undiagnosed until we had our second child 2.5 years later!
When our oldest was 6 months old a friend introduced me to the world of essential oils, I was intrigued. After researching we decided to jump in!
Now that we have Young Living we have completely rid our home of the toxic chemicals and everyday products we had no idea were poisoning us! We eat better and are more mindful of the things we put in and on our bodies. We like to live by the 80/20 rule, 80% good food 20% not so good, but we strive to do our best!
I also have the tools I need to help manage my anxiety/depression and live my best life!