Our Peacemaker Parenting workshops include practical information, foundational Biblical principles, key theological concepts. and first-hand knowledge to help inform and guide your parenting.
+ Attend live workshops each month
+ Get next-day access to recordings of recent live workshops
+ Have an all-access pass to recordings of all past workshops + guidebooks
Taking information and putting it into practice can be hard! Often it's not a lack of information that holds us back, but uncertainty in applying it to our family and our struggles. You need tangible ideas for implementing concepts that make so much sense on paper but feel confusing or abstract in the moment. Our monthly Peacemaker Parenting group coaching allows you to bounce ideas off of us and other like-minded parents, and can be a huge part of helping your family flourish.
+ Join a group coaching call once a month (usually on the 1st Thursday night of the month)
+ Access to live monthly workshops
+ An all-access pass to recordings of all past workshops + guidebooks